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The documentary shares the story of a small group of teenage dancers, from a little Texas town, who made a name for themselves, their hometown, and the Mexican culture they shared with audiences all over the country and beyond, thus, setting the foundation for a tradition that would last, not only decades, but for generations


This is a very personal project for me. Having grown up in Victoria, my family had always danced Ballet Folklorico, it was a fact I took for granted most of my life.  While researching the Ballet Folklorico's 60 year history in Victoria, TX, I became obsessed with finding out how all started.  I was surprised to learn how personally involved my family was from the beginning and how one small group of teenage dancers, affectionately calling themselves Ballet Folklorico Cuicuilco, committed to something bigger than themselves, saw value in what they were doing, and were actually celebrated for it.  The more people I talk to, the more stories I heard, the more I realized that this was the story I wanted to tell.  The story of Ballet Folklorico Cuicuilco!


The ability to tell the sequence of events that took place in Victoria, Texas some 60 years ago, leading to a tradition that still exists today, is a perfect way to give credit where credit is due!  As time marches on, the incredible events that took place six decades ago runs the risk of being lost, forgotten, or even overlooked.  Though the tradition of dancing Ballet Folklorico in my hometown has gone through different names and structures, its foundational DNA leads right back to Ballet Folklorico Cuicuilco!

This is such an ambitious project, but it's such a great tale to tell...bringing attention to those who sacrificed so much more than 60 years ago without knowing the impact their actions would have for years to come.

Stay tuned!

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